The turnout was simply fantastic at the NCSY annual Chanukah party at the BAYT! It was the first night of Chanukah and the room was abuzz with a total...

December Message by Rabbi Black

By the time you’ve received this newsletter, I will be on my way to New York for a 5-day trip to attend NCSY’s Yarchei Kallah program. Doing what you...

From Darkness to Light

There are no words. There is no way to communicate murder on this scale. But that was and is not my purpose. I want to convey an experience in...

Celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut

Twenty -five Torah High students excitedly stepped onto the bus to attend the Shlomo Artzi Concert in honour of Yom Haatzmaut! The Sony Centre for Performing Arts was abuzz with...

Shavuot Message From Rabbi Black

Shavuot is the holiday of remembering Hashem’s greatest gift to us–the Torah. At Sinai, the Jewish people became a people united, a nation with a common purpose. This feeling...

Wildfire Shabbaton

Forty-one students from a variety of backgrounds and schools came together  to be inspired by Shabbat at the Wildfire Shabbaton in Kawartha, Ontario. With Rabbi Josh Stein,  City Director of...

TJJ Orientation is Abuzz With Excitement

The excitement in the room, filled with soon-to-be TJJ participants, was palpable! More than 120 NCSYers and their parents came out to learn everything they would need to know about...

Our Many “Firsts”

As I look back on the year that was, I am so proud of what we, at NCSY and Torah High, have accomplished. There have been many “firsts” this...

Looking Back at the BEST. SUMMER. EVER

NCSYers from across Canada filled three buses— bus 9, 10, and 11—joining 8 other buses of NCSYers from the United States for a 4-week tour of Israel. Each bus...