The excitement in the room, filled with soon-to-be TJJ participants, was palpable! More than 120 NCSYers and their parents came out to learn everything they would need to know about TJJ—NCSY’s much-anticipated summer Israel program that will take more than a hundred teens, hailing from Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, and Edmonton, across the length and breadth of our holy land in July.
Parents and NCSYers were apprised of all the possible logistics that one would need to know; the details that must be arranged for a trip of this magnitude are simply mind boggling: laundry, money, backpacks, valuables, laptops, phone numbers, pick up and drop off, free weekends, passports, swimming, shoes…the list goes on and on. But it can all be boiled down to three MUST HAVES: hats, sunscreen, water. In a country where temperatures run upwards of 100 degrees, surviving the heat is one of the most important lessons.
Einat Enbar, Director of Marketing and Recruitment for NCSY and Torah High, kicked off the event with her usual flair, introducing Yosef Kurtz, NCSY Director of Sparx and Director of TJJ Bus 10 and Rabbi Josh Stein, NCSY City Director of Thornhill and Director of TJJ Bus 9, who fielded questions from interested parents and pumped up kids.

Bus 11 advisors Ashley Solomon and Nadav Gasner; Bus 9 Advisors Joey Avidan, Frankie Aviv, and Shirel Moll, with Bus Director Rabbi Josh Stein
After the presentation, TJJ bus directors, assistant directors, and advisers mingled and schmoozed with parents and NCSYers. The countdown has begun and everyone is ready to have their BEST. SUMMER. EVER.
Torah High’s recruitment staff was hard at work, taking registrations for Canada’s best supplementary Jewish school. With new course offering in general studies subjects–biology, chemistry, English, SAP, modern middle east– and ramping up the Jewish studies with a new course in Hebrew language, Torah High’s 2017/18 year is ramping up to be a stellar year!
- Torah High recruitment team: (L-R) Ocean Enbar, Sarah Halpert, Ilana Lazar