NCSY Leadership Fellowship

NCSY Leadership Fellowship

Where your passion and skills and Jewish communities needs come together

As NCSY Canada continues to grow, so does our need to recruit the best possible candidates to fill a variety of roles within the organization. These roles are varied and diverse, such as JSU educators, Torah High teachers, Learn and Earn mentors, program coordinators to smaller towns, marketing and advertising internships, fundraising and event planning, as well as a host of other key positions.  The fellow can choose whatever area they want to get experience in. They will then be matched with the appropriate department and will work out the specific details at that time.

The Fellowship:

NCSY Canada proposes a 2 year Leadership Fellowship Program that will help identify, recruit, and motivate the best possible candidates who will ultimately assume a full time role at NCSY. Through an application process, we aim to identify candidates from among those who have completed at least one year of university/ college and have already exhibited a commitment and their unique talents to NCSY.

Ideally, the candidate would be an alumnus, however, this is not a requirement. As a member of the Leadership Fellowship, these recruits will serve as part-time staff members, who will be compensated in the amount of $15K per year for up to 3 consecutive years. Summers are not included in the fellowship and can be discussed at the appropriate time.

At the end of the fellowship, a full time position in a mutually agreeable area of work will be provided. Candidates will be able to choose to work one, two or three years following the fellowship.

No commitment beyond one year.

What you need to qualify:

NCSY will be hiring 2 candidates for the 2021-22 school year.

  1. Candidates must be available during the week ( approx. 15 hours) and weekends for shabbatons (approx. 4)
  2. Be willing to try a variety of positions and responsibilities during the year to better identify their strengths and possible career choices.
  3. A unique and very valuable part of the fellowship is the ability to learn from the best! Candidates will be paired with existing staff/ mentors to help each candidate succeed. Regular meetings will be mandatory.
  4. Selected candidates will be offered a full-time position, renewed and evaluated after the first year.
  5. Candidates can apply to be Shevet Glaubach participants and use their required time with NCSY in this way as well.


Application process will open July 1st , 2021

Go to / careers to apply,

Candidates will be chosen by August 15th.