With the High holidays and Sukkot behind us, it is a particularly good time to take stock as NCSY Canada and Torah High have launched the new year with programming that has drawn an unprecedented number of teens and their families, from across Canada, to our High Holiday and Sukkot programming.
This has aligned beautifully with our Generations Campaign, which has set for itself the ambitious goal of reaching 18,000 teens over the next 7 years, a three-fold increase on our current numbers.
The Birth of our Generations 2025 Campaign: A Campaign for Jewish Identity Across Canada
While I knew that NCSY and Torah High has achieved great success in reaching out to thousands of teens across Canada, the answer to the problem of the growing number of Jews becoming alienated and disenfranchised from their faith was one that bore upon my conscience. I knew that, as an organization, there had to be a better way to reach more teens in order to reverse the trend of Jews marrying out of the faith, which is particularly high among young people under the age of 30.
With that in mind, the birth of our Generations campaign to reach 18,000 teens by 2025 began to take shape.
18,000 Teens
What would it mean for the future of Canadian Jewry if NCSY Canada and Torah High were successful in reaching 18,000 teens over the next 7 years?
18,000 teens will have been exposed to the beauty of their heritage
18,000 teens will appreciate the centrality of Israel to the Jewish people
18,000 teens will understand the unique contribution of the Jewish people to the world
If 18,000 teens develop an appreciation for who they are as Jews, I believe wholeheartedly that there is hope for the Jewish people to reverse the rising tide of assimilation. I believe that the Jewish Canadian community can grow with optimism, strength, and renewed purpose. I am proud of our teens and their families, representing the symphony of the many colours and stripes of our people, who I know will stand up as ambassadors ensuring the survival and vibrancy of the Jewish people for generations to come.